Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Girl Frozen For 500 Years.

Girl Frozen For 500 years.Girl who was killed as an offering to the Inca gods sometime between 1450 and 1480, at approximately 11–15 years old.

Best-preserved mummy ever found, with internal organs intact, blood still present in the heart and lungs, and skin and facial features mostly unscathed. No special effort had been made to preserve her and 500 years later still looked like sleeping children.

A 500-year-old frozen Incan girl known as ‘The Maiden’ was suffering from a bacterial infection when she died – and being able to ‘diagnose’ the disease could lead to new insights into diseases of the past. The discovery could help defend against new illnesses – or the re-emergence of diseases of the past. The mummy was suffering from an illness similar to tuberculosis when she was sacrificed on the Argentinian volcano Llullaillaco, 22,100 feet above sea level. The find – using a new technique of swabbing the lips and comparing the swabs with those of current patients – is the first time a disease has been ‘diagnosed’ in such an ancient body.

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